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19th Ave New York, NY 95822, USA

25th anniversary of Grupo Score


This year our firm celebrates its 25th anniversary, for such & nbsp; This is why a special day was held to celebrate and celebrate so many years working together, the day began with a meeting with our committee where we reviewed our trajectory for these 25 years, we also analyzed our vision for the future of the company in the medium and long term, the The team gave their words of appreciation towards the firm and proposals were made for its growth, as part of the activities, one of which most marked the team members was a dynamic to strengthen teamwork and creativity to conflict resolution.

For our most representative clients, we give away commemorative kits with our 25th anniversary logo as a token of appreciation for so many years collaborating together.

Finally, our celebration concluded with a dinner and a cocktail in our corporate where the whole team met, the event ended with an emotional toast where the team gave a small recognition to our founding partners in gratitude for so much support during this time .

For our clients, we give commemorative kits with our 25th anniversary logo as a token of appreciation for so many years working together.

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